After a four-season hiatus from series regular on Shameless, Noel Fisher and Showtime wanted to announce his return as Mickey Milkovich for the tenth season of the hit Showtime series in a social stunt that would garner conversation both in the fandom and in the media. For years fans have been trolling the Shameless social… Continue reading Shameless – Season 10
Client: Showtime
Ray Donovan
Adopting the tone of Ray himself, stoic copy was paired with custom creative that played into various themes of the show. In addition to developing and executing an editorial calendar, we live tweeted each episode and engaged with the show’s biggest fans. We supported a campaign for the larger Showtime brand, surprising and delighting Twitter… Continue reading Ray Donovan
Penny Dreadful
The site immerses visitors in the dark, disturbing world of 1890s London, revealing the show’s story and characters. The site was part of a larger digital campaign that included social content, Showtime’s first Snapchat effort and display ads all intended to drive awareness and encourage audience participation.